Still At Work In The Catacombs

The Windhaven Network Goblins
The Windhaven Network Goblins

We’re still kicking around in the catacombs of our secret base. But we felt like we should surface to let y’all know we ain’t dead (yet). Amazon recently deactivated our store account there because they apparently took issue with our fearless leader having his own seller account separate from ours. This left us perplexed as well. After all, our fearless leader has his own products that have nothing to do with us goblins down here in the trenches.

As you know, we are a small company providing services for very select clientele, not a mass-marketed company flooding Amazon with products we’ve imported from overseas. Maybe we’d be more at home on Etsy than on Amazon, but with the number of books and albums we expect to begin releasing soon, it simply made more sense to have a direct Amazon presence rather than allow our products to be sold through aggregators for the various printing companies and disc manufacturers we work with. We concede a small operation like Windhaven Network may not fit in well with Amazon’s quest for global dominance. We get it. Us goblins down here in the trenches won’t be buying seats on one of Jeff Bezos’ rockets any time soon. But we have our place, damn it. We make a damned good pastrami on rye sammich.

In the end, whether or not Amazon restores our seller account (we’re going on the assumption that they will not), we’ll continue to provide the same level discreet services to our clients that we have for over 20 years. We know you. You know us. The two of us have the secret handshake and everything. And we’ll always have that night in Catalina.

In closing, just keep in mind that if you never see a flood of Windhaven Network goods that were manufactured in China by armies of economic slave labor, that’s largely been by design. We wanted to have the option of marketing our products on Amazon, but it says all that needs to be said about us, we think, that we don’t apparently meet Amazon’s criteria for being soulless ghouls sucking dry the shallow pockets of the American consumer.

Anyway, we’ll see at the Casbah. Bring an umbrella. And don’t forget your lube… er… libation. We look forward to many more years of deep regret with each and every one of you.

And remember…

Over, under, or through.

That’s really all that needs to be said about us.

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