Still At Work In The Catacombs

The Windhaven Network Goblins

We’re still kicking around in the catacombs of our secret base. But we felt like we should surface to let y’all know we ain’t dead (yet). Amazon recently deactivated our store account there because they apparently took issue with our fearless leader having his own seller account separate from ours. This left us perplexed as… Continue reading Still At Work In The Catacombs

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Press Release – 11/16/2023

Windhaven Network Addresses Unforeseen Interdimensional Incident with Swift Action and Commitment to Public Safety

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Mama Peggy’s Recipes & Ruminations

Our first release of 2018 is going to the printers next week. We are proud and honored to publish the long-awaited cookbook by North Carolina native Peggy Chaney, titled Mama Peggy’s Recipes & Ruminations.

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We Have Remained Us

Well, we’re still here. We have remained us. The lobotomy didn’t take. We’re officially back in the lab tinkering with dangerous chemicals and fissionable material. Despite all of the best counsel from all the best people, we’ve decided that we’ll be relaunching this web site (and sort of this company) in May of this year.

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To Remain or To Become

The love and struggle of all who came before us, of all those whose lives and existence led to us being, has led us here. In this moment. Do we linger? Do we progress? Which way to do we go? To remain or to become?

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New Beginnings

There isn’t a lot to report. We’re in the early stages of setting up complete overhauls of all of the web sites which we host, representing re-builds from the ground up. Needless to say, this will take time. Since our resource are limited, we’ll likely roll out these web sites one at a time. We’re… Continue reading New Beginnings

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Fish-Net Stockings

We’ve had next to no extra time to catch up on anything, much less deal with our Windhaven Network projects. We expect that to change in 2017. We now have fish-net stockings, and we’re not afraid to use them.

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We No Longer Provide Individual Services

Some of you may have noticed that we haven’t updated this web site in some time. For the most part, that is because we no longer offer individual services for contract. We do have many things going on, but all of our projects are currently in the early stages of development cycles.

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A New Windhaven Network

I know I’ve been slack on the web site. As most of Windhaven Network’s clients know full well, I am mostly interested in dealing with my clients on a personal basis, seeing to their needs and making sure they’re getting the services they’re paying for. As such, I’ve kind of let this web site suffer.

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